Here we demonstrate our process of sand blasting automotive gas tank. Sand blasting is the best way to remove under coating, paint, rust, road grim etc. and preparing the surface for powder coating. Once sand blasted we can begin to get a better look at the condition of the gas tank, any holes and repair work needed.
Shown below is a picture of our sand blasting cabinet. It has an inside dimension of 8ft wide, 4ft deep and 4ft tall allowing us plenty of space to sand blast any type of automotive gas tank brought into us.

Start by removing everything from the tank. Such as any hoses, straps, fuel sending unit etc. Since we are going to install gas tank liner on this gas tank. We are not worried about sealing off the inside of the gas tank as this gas tank will have the inside tumbled and cleaned next.

Here's a closer look at the condition of the gas tank we are beginning with. While not in bad shape. You can see where the customer started the wire brush the gas tank before bringing it to us. The time it would take to wire brush this gas tank by hand would take some time even with an electric wire brush. Still would not be able to prepare the surface as you can with sand blasting.

Here's a close up picture of the gas tank surface after sand blasting. As you can see. Wire brushing will never get into all the tiny surface cavities removing the rust as does sand blasting. Were not done yet either. We like to stop and open up the cabinet to get a better look

Were getting close to finishing this gas tank. Because visibility isn't great viewing inside the cabinet. We are checking the tank to make sure we haven't missed any spots before giving it a once over.